Our Sponsors
As a new robotics team, we rely heavily on raising money from sponsorships and donations and
we'd be glad to hear from you! Read more about our history and the benefits of supporting our team outlined in the
Sponsorship Packet.
You can also directly donate through Cornell above,
please specify that the donation is for Combat Robotics at Cornell. We are a 501(c)(3)
organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Reach out to us directly if you're interested in making a specific arrangement not
outlined in the sponsorship packet above.




I am a company, how can I sponsor?
Via mail by filling out the donation form listed on the Sponsorship Packet above, or electronically donate through Cornell (shown above), or donate on Giving Day (shown above). Please email us to notify you wish to become a sponsor.
I am an individual (not a company) how can I donate?
You can donate through the same platforms a company would: via mail by filling out the donation form listed on the Sponsorship Packet, or electronically donate through Cornell, or donate on Giving Day.
I am a company and want to renew or update my sponsorship packet, what is the process?
Donate through the same portal listed above, and email us to notify you wish to renew or update your sponsorship.
I am a company and would like to make an arrangement not listed on the Sponsorship Packet, what should I do?
Email us and we would be happy to make arrangements!
Regarding any other questions email us at combatrobotics@cornell.edu.