Swiss Cheese "The Swindler"

A pixel art of swiss-cheese
Vintage: 2020
Height: 1 cheese block
Weight: 3 lbs
Fights: None
Wins: Moldy
Top Speed: Slice
Weapon Speed: Cheez
Most Damaged Part: Blades
Favorite Movie: As Gouda as it Gets
Iconic image of swiss-cheese

Swiss Cheese "The Swindler"

A pixel art of swiss-cheese


Kevin Liu, Ricky Wang, Shubham Mathur.


Meet Swiss Cheese, the cheese-loving bot that's as hole-some as it is hole-y! With two razor-sharp saw blades spinning faster than you can say "Gouda," Swiss Cheese slices through the competition with cheesy finesse, leaving a trail of shredded metal and squeaky victories in its wake. This dairy-inspired daredevil is not just a wheel-y good time; it's the ultimate wedge of robotic entertainment!


Swiss Cheese is a 3lb bot with two powered saw blades for weapons, two wheels plus a ball roller for the drive system, and 3D-printed frontal rollers for a passive defense system. Its name is derived from the numerous holes made in the V-shaped chassis to meet the weight class requirements.



Initial CAD of Swiss Cheese CAD with top plate removed Alternate Weapon CADs
Biggie Cheese recipe initial sketches Alternate CAD view