Perrybot "The Platypus"

A pixel art of perrybot
Vintage: 2022
Height: 2.5 inches
Weight: 3 lbs
Fights: 129, which is the number of episode in Phineas and Ferb
Wins: Every single time we fought against Dr. Doofenshmirtz
Top Speed: Insanely fast
Weapon Speed: Even faster
Most Damaged Part: Hat
Favorite Movie: Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension
Iconic image of perrybot

Perrybot "The Platypus"

A pixel art of perrybot


The Perrybot is the state-of-the-art robot with a horizontal spinner built for subversion and destruction. With a prime directive of subversion, this bot can switch between a docile platypus form and an aggressive battle mode in the blink of an eye. Melding the unpredictability of Perry the Platypus with cutting-edge robotics, this machine delivers both surprise and raw power.


Perrybot is modeled after a famous secret agent, Perry the Platypus, from the TV show "Phineas and Ferb." Perrybot has been intricately designed to mirror the teal coloring and shape of Perry the Platypus. With a sleek and deceptive exterior, opponents might mistakenly perceive it as a non-threatening competitor, which gives Perrybot a unique tactical advantage. He is a two-wheel drive horizontal spinner robot that wears a fedora hat when in battle. He is extremely talented at beating the "krrrrrrrrrap" out of anyone that crosses him. Positioned strategically, this is Perrybot's primary weapon. The spinner can reach high speeds in a matter of seconds, delivering devastating blows to adversaries. Perrybot's design is all about the element of surprise. Beginning battles in his innocent platypus form, adversaries are often caught off guard when Perrybot transforms and unleashes his potent horizontal spinner.



Perrybot trading card Initial sketches TinkerCAD
CAD with top plate removed Initial sketches Fun sketches
Initial design CAD alternate view More fun sketches