Idiot Sandwich"The Flambe Fighter"

A pixel art of idiot sandwich
Vintage: 2022
Height: 18 inches
Weight: 3 lbs
Fights: N/A
Wins: N/A
Top Speed: N/A
Weapon Speed: N/A
Most Damaged Part: Ego
Favorite Movie: Ratatouille
Iconic image of idiot-sandwich

Idiot Sandwich"The Flambe Fighter"

A pixel art of idiot-sandwich


Anna Boese, Lucien Eckert.


Idiot Sandwich is a big mean rolling machine. Emphasizing passive evasion and a fire-based weapon, Idiot Sandwich was designed to be an aggressive bot that rushes down the opponent with a constant barrage of flames.


Idiot Sandwich uses big wheels to lift itself high up off the ground, positioning its main body out of reach of most weapons. It uses its "flamethrowers" (which are really specialized lighters) to damage the important components of opponents directly below. The intended strategy is thus to aim to stay on top of the opponent at all times, taking care to position its wheels out of harm's way. The bars on its wheels prevent the chassis from flipping in the wrong direction when hit.



Trading card for Idiot Sandwich PAD design for Idiot Sandwich Early concept sketch for Idiot Sandwich