Florence "The Flamboyant"

A pixel art of atlas
Vintage: 2022
Height: 3.25" (13" extended)
Weight: 12 lbs
Fights: 3
Wins: 1
Top Speed: 4 mph
Torque: 20 Nm
Most Damaged Part: Flippers
Favorite Movie: Free Willy
Headshot of Florence

Florence "The Flamboyant"

A pixel art of florence


Alex Jenkins, Bruno Tassari, Caleb Schlissel, Charles Liu, Marcus Esposito, Molly Drumm, Narayan Rueppel, Sana Gaya, Zarif Pathan.


Florence is a two-wheeled tri-flipper with a triangular chassis. Her weapon allows her to excel in defensive battle by allowing her to jump up into "table" positioning to dodge her opponents' attacks. She can also perform the "Florence Flop" where she flails her arms up and down in an attempt to intimidate her enemies. Florence inspires fear in the heart of her enemies and turns their robot blood to ice when they see her Venus flytrap attack. In her last competition, Florence had the same win-loss ratio as Richard at the March 2023 Qualifier Competition, only bowing out of the competition to allow her opponents the chance to feel loved by their parents (her circuit "didn't work" or something).


Florence's weapon system consists of 3 individually actuated flippers, one on each side of her triangular body. Each of the flippers are custom made through aluminum brazing and heat of battle. Florence's drivetrain consists of two wheels which stick above and below her chassis, allowing her to drive and flip no matter what. Florence has two controllers, one for driving and another which uses a customized controller to actuate all her flippers independently.



Event Opponent Result By Video Length (s)
Mar 18 2023 Flash-BANG Loss KO Link 170
Mar 18 2023 AeroStar Win KO Link 105
Mar 18 2023 Voxel Loss FF


Marcus holding Florence after her incredible win Sportsman holding Florence for a picture
Members holding Florence at competition Florence with the top plate removed
Testing Florence in the ELL Molly with a Florence poster
Sportsman gathering around Florence before the first round Team leads taking a picture with Florence Sportsman putting the weapon lock back on Florence after the round ends